Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Osborne's Folly How Plan A Failed - time for Plan C

So George Osborne's inexperience and arrogance has shown through. His over ambitious optimism of the March Statement has given way to a sombre realism in November.

Labour's Ed Balls has urged Plan B - more spending financed by more borrowing. Good to spot the flaw in Osborne downward spiral of austerity but wrong to seek to increase the deficit.

Osborne and Alexander's Plan A has worked in so far as Britain has thus far avoided Greece, Ireland and Italy's fate and currently enjoys borrowing interest rates lower than Germany.

A third way - or Plan C is to take a long hard look at Britain's income, wealth and expenditure to ensure than a maximum amount of spending, employment and output is released by the organisation of the national resources. Harold Macmillan talked of the selling of the family's silver. The coalition has considered selling off the land of britain's largest landholder - the forestry commission, but this was ill judged and mismanaged. Since a large proportion of office space in London is owned by foreign investors, government offices in London could be sold off to foreign buyers and the UK government moved out of the expensive capital to the jobless provinces. Britain is a wealthy country, if the top 100 richest people in Britain provided the UK with an interest free loan to cover the UK budget deficit out of a proportion of their £250 billion wealth in exchange for enoblement to the house of Lords, and perhaps those among the top 100 who do not pay a full 50% tax rate on their incomes might consider coming clean with the taxman.

In general taxation in the economy needs to be shifting away from income and wealth creation and employment towards discouraging unproductive and things which create unproductive expenditure. Taxes on tobacco, alcohol, saturated fat, pollution, overseas investment, property speculation, second homes, pitbulls, quadbikes, cosmetic surgery, tattooists and other non productive elements should be increased. VAT should be levied on fatty food, whilst lowered on items which might promote growth.

It is vital that the unemployed are billeted onto businesses in order to stay in the workplace and that job sharing is increased to spread work through the economically active populous. Apprenticeships or a form of national service is vital to the NEET Group who are being cast onto the scrap heap.
FDR said it in 1933 - we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Wear the Hat Dave !

Here is David Cameron - visiting a world beating British Hard Hat Manufacturer and refusing to wear a hard hat. - Why - because he hates the world leading British Health and Safety Industry.

Well Dave - In life you are either a builder or a wrecker.

So Far Citizen Dave - has presided over rising unemployment, collapsing growth, record low levels of house construction. Clearly not a builder!

Why not try building a better future for British workers.

A Plan for the next few months to kick-start Growth

1. Get people spending their money again - increase job security for British workers by increasing 1 year employment rights to all workers after 6 months work increase of reducing rights to 2 years as planned.
2. Get Billionaire Tax cheats who fund the Tories to pay their taxes or remove their passports
3. Move Government out of London - The capital is one of the expensive place in the world, we need less government jobs in London and more in Newcastle, Leeds, Birmingham.
4. Nationalise and sell un-used land and buildings which the Crown owns to reduce the deficit. This would include the Duchy of Cornwall, Crown Estate, Lands belonging to the Royal Family and the Church of England estate.
5. Quantitative Easing by paying the UK Credit Card Bill - this would restore domestic demand.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

An Island of Wind and Storms

Question - would you rather have a windfarm in your community, or a nuclear plant or coal power station? - A no brainer really - some might dislike the wind farms but dislike the alternatives more. When Great Britain is an island battered by the winds and waves of Atlantic storms we need to keep working to cut our huge import bill from the import of russian gas and arabian oil. With nearly 3 millions on the dole and millions of uninsulated homes we need to find a way of unlocking the energy savings to pay the unemployed to do useful work.
George Osborne and the Conservatives seem eager to wreck the green growth initiative and the latest plans to smash the solar industry by the tariff changes are more evidence of an anti-business cabal of millionaries at the heart of the conservatives funded by international energy interests who seek to strangle britain's domestic energy industry in the same way as the coal fields were smashed in the 1980's and 1990's.

The Rogue Corporation versus the People

Just as in the final days of the fall of the Roman Empire, Western Liberal Democracies are drowning in a sea of debt and starting to print money and so debase the currency. Yet the root underlining core of the problem still goes deliberately un-noticed by policy makers. The reason - fear. Few people realise that whilst governments and countries are struggling and failing to service huge trillion dollar deficits, the worlds leading corporations are sitting on equally huge trillion dollar cashpiles built up over the last 20 years, the same time period that governments such as the US, Japan, and the EU countries have slowly run up debts. The why is simple. These huge corporations with their armies of accountants and tax consultants have evaded and avoided paying the taxes they owe to service the needs of the communities in which they exist. While small businesses, consumers, car drivers, and tax payers have been squeezed by rising tax levels and stealth taxes, the large corporations are glutted on tax evasion profits. Even worse than this the money has been put into huge offshore hedge funds operating out of tax havens which have speculated against the currencies and countries made vulnerable by this development. We may bemoan the small time tax dodger of Greece or Italy but ignore the tax evading corporation which owes billions.
The Billionaire Rogue media magnates and "do no evil web corporations" operate a privacy intrusion on a mass scale designed to ensnare, manipulate and control the people - whether by phone hacking or consumer profiles derived from internet activity.
Political Parties like the UK Conservative Party is funded in the majority by such people, who lobby assidiously to prevent the taxation of wealth, and corporate incomes.
So it is that banks are bailed out, small businesses and consumers are choked of funds and the world is heading for a crash. The answer is simple - pay your dues, pay your taxes and take pride in it. Policy Makers need to create a culture which celebrates tax payers and punishes the big time tax avoiders.
The economy needs growth, and this can only come from the bank balance sheets and the large corporation cash piles gained by greed and corruption.