- Shrink the state
- Weaken trade unions
- Roll back Health and Safety
- Roll back Employment rights
- Roll back Human Rights
- Restore Private and Grammar School education
- Destroy the NHS
- Gerrymander UK Democracy through boundary change and Scottish Independence to ensure tory dominance
- Smash the Liberal Democrats and steal their support
- Take Britain out of Europe
Nevertheless - industry will have been helped and consumers cheered by a freeze in fuel duty, cuts in income tax rates for low pay (through rise in allowances) and cuts in corporation tax. 4/10 for trying.
Key steps for growth
- Return Banks to Normalcy and free them to lend and not pad balance sheets
- Supertax on £2million Mansions
- Ban the Use of the word "Austerity" - it stops spending and blocks investment
- Ensure £20 billion of sacred cow Conservative Spending by bringing troops home, re-thinking trident, cutting civil service jobs in London and the South East and selling off expensive London White elephants like the Houses of Parliament (cost £1.6billion), rethink HS2, Make Gatwick the UK global hub.